Flexible Payment


You can make your payment using these options

Option 1 – Credit card or PayPal
Option 2 – Bank transfer
Option 3 – Interact (only within Canada)

Before making your payment, confirm with your Idiomo Canada advisor the amount you must deposit. Once the transaction is complete, contact your advisor again to confirm that the payment was made.

 Option 1 – Credit Card or PayPal

Minimum Price: $30.00

 Option 2 – Bank Transfer

From your bank, virtually or in person, you can make your payment. Please provide your bank with our following bank information:

Name of the Company: 2221480 Alberta Ltd.
Address: 213 Heritage Lake Blvd, Heritage Pointe, AB T1S 4J7

Bank: CIBC Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, Toronto, CA
Institution: 010
Transit: 01319
(Routing Number: 010-01319)
Account Number: 0270113

Please Remember:

  1. Send us a photo of the payment receipt, indicating the tracking number or transaction number
  2. The costs of making the transaction are borne by the student
  3. If you need to make the transaction in US dollars, please ask your advisor the exact amount you need to send

 Option 3 – E-Transfer within Canada

If you are in Canada and have a valid bank account with a Canadian institution, you can send your electronic transfer (INTERAC) to: